Hive Mind is a brutal patch of analog smog hovering over the already bleak landscape of Detroit, Michigan. A constantly throbbing, full frequency signal transmitter which is only limited by the physical restraints of time and the artificial constructs of society, Hive Mind has both blessed and cursed us with dozens of musical communications in almost every imaginable format.

      Pushing the limits of analog media and revealing the coldness inherent in the digital, the most striking aspects of these releases is how they are so easily conceivable as infinite: the slow movement of the tectonic plates, the threat of a horrible tsunami, and the utter depression of an endless stream of sinister colored sunsets ... this is Hive Mind. In live performance Hive Mind is a crouching shadow, blind and incapable of normal human communication - the sounds unleashed are like an army of deaf and dumb synthesizers, stumbling in glue fumes and eventually revealing their position in a terrifying free-fall into the bottomless pit of humanity.

      -- Mike Bernstein, Religious Knives / Heavy Tapes